Monospace Font

As a programmer, monospace font is essential. I personally spent more than 10 hours in a day staring at text file. So the monospace font not only functional, but it should be also pleasing to the eyes.

For a long time I’ve been stuck with Consolas font. It’s good monospace font, if you don’t want to call it great. My only qualm, Consolas is too formal for me.

I love handwriting style font like Comic Sans. Oh by the way, did you know that someone improves Comic Sans? It’s called Comic Neue!

Anyway, so that’s why, from the very first time I see Monaco, I fall in love with her. She’s so cute… ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ

But you know what they say, nothing is perfect in this world. She comes with a fatal drawback. Monaco didn’t have bold and italic variant! It’s so ugly to see in the IDE, unless you choose a theme without bold and italic obviously.

Now, enter MonacoB! Clap, Clap, Clap! ♪♬((d⌒ω⌒b))♬♪

So, it’s not only me who wants to use bold and italic style, thank God.

MonacoB comes with bold and italic! Though sadly no bold-italic variant. But hey, it’s so much better. I only need to change bold-italic style in the theme. That’s should be not very much, wasn’t it? Off we go, yay…! \(≧▽≦)/

Yes, yes… Nothing is perfect in the world (〃>_<;〃)

After some times I notice, MonacoB bold variant is so much alike with the regular one! The difference is so little! Okay, there is MonacoB2 and MonacoBSemi with bolder version, yet they lack italic variant!

Thankfully, someone also thinks the same, so he fork MonacoB and create Monego! But he use MonacoB2 Bold or maybe MonacoBSemi Bold. I dunno, man. The important thing is, Monego bold is bolder!

At long last! I’m overjoyed that I can change Atom font like a child getting a candy. It’s all joy and merry, until I try to change the console font.

What the #%$*! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶

Windows 7 didn’t allow me to change font except for a mere three options of Consolas, Lucida Console and Raster Fonts!

Times for the all-knowing Google.

Great, uncle then give me a way how to add more font to console by modifying the Windows registry. But unfortunately, it seems to only support True Type Font and Raster Font. When our dear Monego is in open type font format.

Alright, alright, I’ll just convert it to True Type Font format. It’s so easy to do, luckily.

But obnoxiously, after all the times and effort, the console still didn’t recognize Monego as usable font!

Now I also realize that Monego is rendered poorly in PyCharm .。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。.

Changing from JRE to JDK makes it even worse. Add setting to vmoptions didn’t make it any bit better.

Why, oh why… o(〒﹏〒)o

It’s beyond help now, let’s just use the both Monego and Consolas orz


The next day, I try again and found Monaco.ttf. This font comes with special invisible characters. But as usual without bold and italic variant. But amazingly, this font recognized by Windows console after registry changes.

Well, in console bold and italic variant is so rare. I guess I can live with it. Though it’s still no good for PyCharm.