Typing IP Address in the browser is all fine and dandy until you develop a multi sub domain website.

I used to be register .dev (for development), but now I use .test for the domain because it’s reserved by IETF for testing (or development) purposes.

On Windows

Get Acrylic DNS Proxy portable version.

Edit AcrylicHosts.txt and add *.test to the IP address you want to assign. localhost localhost.localdomain *.test
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain *.test

Run InstallAcrylicService.bat to install it as service.


If your provider censored the DNS, you can combine it with DNSCrypt.

Download the portable version here.

> dnscrypt-proxy.exe --resolver-name=cisco --local-address= --install

Edit AcrylicConfiguration.ini and change your setting.


Restart Acrylic service.

On Linux

In Linux install dnsmasq.

$ sudo apt-get install dnsmasq

Add address=/dev/ to /etc/dnsmasq.conf and restart dnsmasq. With that all domain ended with .test will be forced to localhost.

$ sudo service dnsmasq restart
$ ping julot.test
PING julot.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms