Flora XTra 320k Printer

In early 2018 I change my job to digital printing world. I’m in charge of Flora printer. Boy, not even once I think that she’s gonna be so demanding. Like a spoiled princess, she’s so high maintenance.

Nozzle Problem

As strange as it seems, after some time printing, the nozzle for yellow color start to acting up. In the middle of printing, some nozzle stop working. Wasting the whole work.

But strangely, this only apply to yellow color. The only solution for now is to set voltage rectification. Now we set voltage rectification to -2 volt for yellow color. This voltage rectification seems to affect ink output. The more we reduce the voltage, the less ink it used. We can verify this in nozzle check ribbon output. Without voltage rectification, we can see that the ribbon width is full. But the more we reduce the voltage, the narrower the ribbon, leaving a white space between color.

Though I personally think that this solution is horrible, but there’s no other solution that works. I have a suspicion that either the diaphragm pump is not working properly or the filter is defective. Because it seems like that the ink is not properly distributed. It’s kind of the supply is lag behind.

Bi-Directional Problem

The nozzle problem is horrible, but there is also another problem. After a few days of work, it seem the bi-directional precision is dropping. We must do bi-directional adjustment. Luckily, it’s simple.

Reset Air Pressure

It seems, after some times, the air pressure keeps dropping too. It’s now time to reset. The preferred value is -2.7.

This is the procedure:

  1. Close all ink faucets.

  2. Set both variable resistors to 0.

  3. Press the button beside the variable resistor for about 10-20 seconds.

  4. Open the plug in the hose (located at the middle of ink faucets).

  5. Press both gray button until the LCD display 0.0.

  6. Close the plug in the hose.

  7. Set the variable resistors.


Variable resistor at the left side is for major changes, while the right side is for precision adjustment.


Turns out the problem is the printer is not setup correctly. The technician who setup her is still a newbie. When another technician comes, it all solved.

And yes, the filter for yellow color is wrong!